venerdì 3 gennaio 2014

Steam Plant Operation and role of books in the trilogy

"We can take these deadites, we can take them... with science!"

At this point we can see the contents of the Oldsmobile' trunk, which contains quite a bit of stuff (you can see the frame 57 '24'' of "Army of Darkness", the full content can be found here) including two books, namely:
  • Chemestry 101 by Bernard Garnell (a chemistry book)
  • Steam Plant Operation - fifth edition - by Everett, Lammers e Woodruf (you can see it just below the first, a little bit hidden)

The books, and not just the well-known Necronomicon, play a very important role in the trilogy. These two are used for example to fight the army of skulls that otherwise would have an easy life in sieging and conquering the castle of humans (as well as their souls).

"Chemestry 101" is probably a school book, absolutely (and sadly) impossible to be found online. Ash uses it to prepare gunpowder, here's a frame of the scene where we see the content of this book (about 58' 15'')

As I said, unfortunately, this book is impossible to be found and so I had to be satisfied with this microscopic accessory of an action figure of Palisades.

"Steam Plant Operation" is used by Ash to build the Deathcoster's steam engine together with the blacksmith. On 57' 29'' we can have a full sight of the book cover:

and on 57' 34'' we can see the content of the book:

You'll notice, looking at the cover, that is the fifth edition of the book. Exactly, because now we got to the ninth! Fortunately you can find this book online. I found it through AbeBooks but even Amazon or Ebay are ok. I have not paid it so much, but ... The only thing, as usual, is the long time for shipping from the USA :) you can not have everything in life!

Here it is in all its glory!

Page with the schema showed in the film is 9. Here it is:

About the book, unless you're a lover of the study of steam, it is not an easy read :D

These are not the only books in the trilogy, another that deserves to be quoted is "A Farewell to Arms" by Hemingway that makes its appearance in Evil Dead 2 and is used to lock the jar containing the Ash's sewered arm.

The edition you can see in the picture above is a "fake" version. Let me explain: I read here (one of the most interesting sources if you are a fan of the trilogy) that essentially, to avoid trouble of copyright, the jacket of the book have been recreated for the movie! The original edition it looks like this:

For now this is not part of my personal collection... for now !!! See u next time !

ps: the "The Army of Darkness" edition that I've used is this one, the "Director's Cut" disc!

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