sabato 25 gennaio 2014

Army of Darkness, the board game ! part 1

Way back in 1993, the now "defunct" Leading Edge -  after publishing great games like the Aliens (1989) and Dracula (the one by Ford Coppola, 1992), released a board game and twelve 25mm miniature blisters related to the universe of Army of Darkness.

I'm a board games lover (and of The Evil Dead too :D) so I decided that I NEED IT ! In this post I'll talk only about the game because miniatures are so astounding that deserve a dedicated post!

I've bought it on the Ebay paying it about twenty euros, and if I have to review it as a board game lover well, this is not the best game: "poor" materials and the lack of attention to detail, at least in presentation and packaging of the game, are the main motivations. But if you look at it through the eyes of a fan of Evil Dead, this game is very good mainly due to the rules that are very close to the Army of Darkness background.

So, let's start from the beginning: the game has been developed to support one or more players (best played from 1 to 4, but you can also have 8 players) and recreates the siege at the end of the movie "Army of Darkness" when deadites attack Arthur's castle in order  to retrieve the Necronomicon. 

Here it is the board. It is characterized by three special boxes: Tower (containing the Necronomicon), Gate and Pit (if the Gate or the Pit are opened  the number of deadites that will come into play each turn increase). I don't like this board so much: if you look well this have to represent a castle, and with the background photo there is a little bit confusion... However it is so cooooool  :D

Players can choose 4 of 7 characters (good ones), each one with its own movement, attack and defense statistics. Ash is an absolute must, except in a Ash-less game variant, which clearly increases difficulty level and  basically represent a "parallel" reality  in which Ash is already back in the twentieth century.

Characters card (as well as those of the deadites  leaders) have two faces, one with the "healthy" character  and one with the "wounded" one.

4 bad guys come into play basing on drawn cards and are automatically handled by the game system, with rules that fans will love :D
  • Evil Ash always moves towards the Necronomicon 
  • Evil Sheila appears in the same square where Ash is and always follows him in its movement (until one of them is dead!). Evil Sheila also is the only invulnerable to the Deathcoster! 
  • Winged demon always tries to move towards the Pit to open it!

Game turns have these phases:
  1. Is the gate open or closed ? you throw a 10 faced dice to verify it.
  2. Deadites move only one square, not diagonal moves are allowed
  3. Deadites appear: a new deadite appears for each wall square ... and if Gate and pit are opened, other two appear !
  4. Mortal soldiers attack: soldiers that move with a character can attack deadites
  5. Mortal heroes activates moving, attacking and playing one or more cards (in the order they prefer)
  6. Deadites attack!
Victory conditions are
  • For good guys: all deadite champions are defeated
  • For evil guys: Evil Ash take the Book and exit from the gate or all 24 deadites are on the board !!!
The game includes characters and bad guys card counters (they can be replaced using miniatures, but I'll talk about them in another post) and a lot of cards that "mortals" players  can draw when they move to a deadite-free square.

Well... I hope to play it soon and tell you if it is a good game or not !!! See you next post !!!

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